Sonntag, 8. Dezember 2013

The Road to the Future Opens -once again- in 2014 #GSP14

Singularity University has opened up the next round of Graduate Studies Programm.


Now it is time to apply for #GSP14 - initial deadline is December 15, 2013 (final deadline January 15, 2014)

Don't get me wrong, myself I also don't own 29,500 $ but I am eager to try the impossible (seeming) - the forth consecutive time since 2011.

Go forward, and if given the choice go for the impossible seeming!!!

PS.: If you happen to be based in Dresden, be invited to join a local #GSP14 group (to be announced later on here)

PPS.: Ray Kurzweil on Singularity University right after the founding at TED - to give an impression what this is all about.

Donnerstag, 17. Oktober 2013

Tools for the Serious Entrepreneur - Accelerating from the Beginning On

Dienstag, 18. Juni 2013

Do something every single day that ...

This year's GSP program at Singularity University has just begun. Its participants, attendees and lectures being already more than active on Twitter and other social networks, showing the power of digital communication technologies.

Even though you might not have made it to NASA Ames Research Center this year (think of applying for it, despite the high boundaries of entering it will be a life-time experience not forgettable).

A single quote from yesterday by 3-times space traveller to ISS Dan Barry thanks to Christine Lim has truly not made my set but has set the tone for any entrepreneurial mind (either at #GSP13 (all tweets from 11/2012 on) currently or anywhere on the globe).

Enjoy the time and bring your BEST out to the PUBLIC GOOD.

Cheers, Ralf

Dienstag, 9. April 2013

Changing the World - Step by Step - Accelerating!!!

"What project are you working on that changes the world?" - Larry Page

The University trailer (FOX Studios cut) from Matt Rutherford on Vimeo.

Thanks to Peter, Ray, Ken, Larry, and all the others making it real!!!
Let's walk together to make a difference in the world - are you in?

Mittwoch, 6. März 2013

The Summer of Exponential Experiences

A couple of days ago I got a message, that some of you might have called "a bad message".

It said, "Thank you for submitting an application to attend Singularity University's 2013 Graduate Studies Program. While our admissions committee commends you for your accomplishments, we are unable to offer you a place in our class this summer. We appreciate your interest in Singularity University, and wish you all the best in your future endeavors."

For me that was a neutral message. It certainly freed up my mind, and making room for other relevant work to be done - especially in my present job search.

My advice on this ambitious application: If given the choice take it! You learn in any case!!!

Cheers, and all participants of #GSP13 very enjoyable, and innovative weeks in the summer :-)


PS.: To get a sense of the event in 2012 check this compilation of quotes.